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Building a modern Yeuk.

We envision a modern alliance between the villages made possible through the rehabilitation of the Yeuk institution and built upon the strong foundation of distinct village identities. This project aims to strengthen the connection between the 9 villages while supporting each village’s pursuit of its own development path. To achieve this greater emphasis will first need to be given to each village’s distinct path to development. Once a certain level of revitalisation is attained, greater regional cooperation will help to enhance benefits and create opportunities for larger-scale revitalisation. 

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Distinct Villages

The modern Yeuk will be realised as a set of institutional arrangements which enable the collective coordination and management of agreed-upon revitalisation efforts. These arrangements range from the informal (e.g. regional marketplace) to the more ambitious (e.g. regional tourism planning approach). 

The modern Yeuk will come into being gradually, conceived of as a set of evolving interlocked arrangements reached by consensus and linked to a long-term planning process.

Programmes and Actions

This plan put forwards 13 programmes and 20 actions recommended for implementation as the Yan Chau Tong Villages Concept Plan. Each programme and action aligns with objectives and strategies that deliver the vision of building a Modern Yeuk.

Read our report now!

Yan Chau Tong Villages Concept Plan Booklet

Yan Chau Tong Villages Action Plan Booklet



Project Publications To Download

Case Studies Booklet

A Global Survey for Rural Best Practices

慶春約七村 ‧ 谷埔 ‧ 鳳坑概念計劃小冊子


Yan Chau Tong Villages Concept Plan Booklet

(English version)

慶春約七村 ‧ 谷埔 ‧ 鳳坑行動計劃小冊子


Yan Chau Tong Villages Action Plan Booklet

(English version)

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